Myth #6: Eating high-fat foods increases the number you see on the scale
Not necessarily true… Just like carbs, there are also different types of fat. Fat that comes from avocados, dark chocolate, cheese, whole eggs, fatty fish, nuts, extra virgin olive oil, chia seeds, Greek yogurt, and coconut oil is super nutritious.
And there’s also saturated fat, the one we tend to consume daily. Bacon, beef, sausages, hamburgers, and cookies are some of the biggest sources of saturated fat. And it’s not even the worst since trans fats are actually the worst type of fats. Trans fats are linked to numerous health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
So, it’s not about fat itself but about which type of fat you consume. As long as you consume healthy sources of fat, you don’t have to be afraid of your scale.