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25 Things You Probably Didn’t Realize Can Cause Cancer

Photo by twenty20photos from Envato Elements

17. Eating charred meat

Meat cooked properly is a good source of protein, however, most of us like it charred. If you’re one of them, you should be aware of the fact that cooking meat at high temperatures could lead to chemical formations in the DNA. These harmful changes can cause cancer, says the National Cancer Institute.

P.S.: A 12-year study found that vegetarians have decreased chances of developing cancer than meat-eaters. So, you’re better off without that piece of meat.

18. Eating processed meat

What could be worse than eating charred meat? Well, the answer is pretty obvious… Consuming processed meat! Bacon, cold cuts, hot dogs, fast-food chicken nuggets, sausages, and fast-food hamburgers are all a no-no.

No matter how good a hot dog looks, avoid it like the plague! All health institutions classified most processed meat as a carcinogen. Even 1.8 ounces per day can maximize your risk of developing colorectal cancer by 18 percent.


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