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25 Things You Probably Didn’t Realize Can Cause Cancer

Photo by dolgachov from Envato Elements

23. Falling asleep with your smartphone next to your head

As innocent as it seems, falling asleep with your smartphone next to your head could cause cancer. So, next time you’re listening to your favorite podcast, make sure you’re not falling asleep with your phone on your pillow.

Not too long ago, the California Department of Public Health stated that exposure to radiofrequency energy like the one released by phones could lead to brain cancer.

24. Using baby powder

Toss your baby powder immediately! Although it is made from talc, a natural mineral that contains three main ingredients (oxygen, magnesium, and silicon), baby powder can actually be contaminated with asbestos, the naturally-occurring mineral that causes mesothelioma.

What doctors call mesothelioma is a type of cancer that occurs in the thin layer of the tissue that wraps the vast majority of your internal organs. Moreover, studies suggest that when used on the perineal area, this product can maximize a woman’s risk of endometrial cancer by 24 percent.

25. Not wearing sunscreen

Remember how your mother and grandmother used to force you to wear sunscreen? They were right to yell at you… Not wearing sunscreen can lead to cancer. And if you think that you don’t have to wear sunscreen since you’re not going to the beach, you are wrong.

Dermatologists suggest wearing sunscreen even when you’re not leaving home. The Skin Cancer Foundation makes it clear that you should put SPF on your face all year round. No matter the weather, no matter the season, no matter if you’re indoors or not, wear sunscreen to minimize your risk of developing skin cancer.

Just because the sun is behind the clouds, it doesn’t mean your skin isn’t still being bombarded by UV light.

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