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7 Surprisingly Dirty Spots in Your House


From the fridge to your garbage disposal, there are so many bacteria-filled spots in your kitchen, it’s hard to count them. But which one is the dirtiest?

Surprisingly enough, it’s the plain old kitchen sponge. About 15 percent of kitchen sponges contain bacteria — like salmonella and E. coli — that can make you sick. To stay safe, some experts recommend every few days microwaving the sponge for 30 seconds or wash it in the dishwasher.

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3 thoughts on “7 Surprisingly Dirty Spots in Your House”

  1. Catherine Stamato

    I have a paper towel holder on the bathroom sink. Most guests use them, and I use them to wipe the sink splatters. I only have white hand towels, and I change them often.

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