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30 Seemingly Innocent Symptoms That Always Require Immediate Medical Attention

Photo by valiantsin suprunovich from Shutterstock

27. It hurts when you pee

On the contrary, you can pee, but it really hurts. Dr. Cheema notes that painful urination is often a sign of a urinary tract infection. It can also be caused by inflammation of the urinary tract. Inform your doctor about your painful urination, especially when it’s accompanied by fever. And, yeah… stay hydrated!

28. You experience severe abdominal pain

From appendicitis to bowel obstruction, severe abdominal pain could mean a lot of things. In fact, diverticulitis, gallstones, and hernias can cause severe abdominal pain too. Reach your doctor immediately and tell him/her what’s going on.

Listen to your body carefully. Every single second of your life, your body is trying to signal you things. You just have to listen.


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