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30 Seemingly Innocent Symptoms That Always Require Immediate Medical Attention

Photo by ksiwapon from Shutterstock

5. Your vision is suddenly blurry

Maszczak says that sudden vision loss is strongly associated with several chronic health conditions like cholesterol, diabetes, and hypertension. So, if you have any of these health conditions, it could be quite understandable why you’re experiencing sudden blurred vision.

But, if you’ve done your medical check-up recently, and you’re actually healthy with no underlying health issues, maybe you need new glasses. Nevertheless, it’s best to get a blood test. Talk to your doctor first. Maybe you’re developing a chronic health condition like diabetes.

6. You have intense shoulder pain

Experiencing intense and sudden shoulder pain is one of the biggest medical concerns out there. Why? Because it can actually be a sign of a heart attack! Dr. Haythe advises people to take their signs and symptoms seriously. More importantly, if your symptoms come out of nowhere and escalate quickly, do not neglect them.


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