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30 Seemingly Innocent Symptoms That Always Require Immediate Medical Attention

Photo by Orawan Pattarawimonchai from Shutterstock

11. You have weakness on only one side of your body

An emergency medicine specialist medical director of the Weingart Foundation Emergency Department at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, Calif., Russ Kino, MD, says that experiencing weakness on just one side of your body usually indicates a stroke.

As soon as you’re aware of your symptom, talk to your doctor, or, even better, call 911 for an ambulance. It has been proven that the quicker you seek treatment for a stroke, the better the outcome will be.

12. You have chest pain

By now, almost all of us know that chest pain is a classic heart attack symptom. However, chest pain could also signal something like reflux. No matter the root cause, you don’t want to wait! Call your doctor immediately and bear in mind that chest pressure, tightness, and pain are cousins, but they have different personalities.

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