Categories: FOOD

Dinner for Two? Here Are 10 Healthy and Protein-Rich Recipes

Photo by Anna_Pustynnikova from Shutterstock
  • Tomato soup – There are days when all you need is a bowl full of soup next to a good Netflix series. For those nights, this recipe will save you from misery. Tomato soup can be made with fresh tomatoes or canned ones(we prefer the fresh ones), but either way, you’ll stock up on your vitamin C supply. The recipe needs garlic, so don’t be shy to add as much as you want. The magic herb is responsible for reducing inflammation and helping to keep blood sugar levels stable.
  • One-pot lasagna soup – Just picture this: thick noodles, ground beef, cheese, tomato sauce and a lot of Italian spices. And the best part is, you won’t even need to cook anything else as a side dish!
  • Lemon veggie pasta – Did someone said “healthy”? Well, pasta and frozen veggies on the stove is not only very healthy but also so easy to make. You’ll have beans for protein, feta cheese, and a few healthy spices. And if you’re not great in the kitchen, don’t worry! It’s so easy to make, that it’s impossible to mess it up.
  • Greek-inspired shrimp pasta – Another amazing pasta recipe is this Greek-inspired shrimp pasta. It’s made with shrimp, olive oil, feta cheese, spinach, tomatoes, and pine nuts, and it’s the embodiment of an ideal Mediterranean recipe.
  • Nicoise salad – If you decided to take a mental trip to the French Rivera for the night, this salad is going to help you with that. This salad is made with green beans, leafy greens, hard-boiled eggs, grape tomatoes, garlic, onion, and potatoes. The secret, however, is the topping of anchovy vinaigrette.

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