Categories: HEALTH TIPS

Things You Should Know About High Blood Pressure

What causes high blood pressure?

It’s important to know that there are two types of hypertension and each one has a different cause.

Primary hypertension

This type of hypertension develops over time with no identifiable cause and most people have primary hypertension of high blood pressure. There are several factors such as genes, physical changes and environment.

Secondary hypertension

Secondary hypertension often occurs quickly and can become more severe than primary hypertension. Several conditions that may cause secondary hypertension include:

  • kidney disease
  • obstructive sleep apnea
  • congenital heart defects
  • problems with your thyroid
  • side effects of medications
  • use of illegal drugs
  • alcohol abuse or chronic use
  • adrenal gland problems
  • certain endocrine tumors

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