Categories: LIFE

7 Surprising Things Doctors Can Tell Just By Looking at You

Photo by spixel / Shutterstock

Your body posture reflects your state of mind 

The posture of our body reflects our state of mind and doctors instantly realize this fact. For instance, if you are stressed and depressed your body posture will be with your shoulders and head inclined and a sad smile. 

“Body language and movement, such as if a patient is shuffling their feet and slow moving, they may have a lack of energy and may be sick or perhaps depressed. I observe their arms and legs and general range of motion. If they are guarded in their body movements or moving their entire body instead of just their head, that can be signal a physical or emotional problem. If they’re grimacing, facial expression tells a lot. I stay very attuned to that,” said Lillie Rosenthal, MD, DO.

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