Categories: LIFE migration

26 Tiny Mistakes That Always Lead to Dental Damage

Photo by micens from Envato Elements

23. Avoiding proper tongue ‘posture’

Now… you might be wondering what ‘proper tongue posture’ means… Well, just like your back, your tongue has a proper posture, too. And just like your back and neck, your tongue posture is equally important. When it’s not in the correct position, you may experience orofacial and dental issues.

Rest your tongue along the roof of the mouth as you would make a ‘cluck’ sound.

24. Daily juicing

While juicing is a great and easy way to load up on vitamins and nutrients from a variety of veggies and fruits, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a good habit for your teeth. Rusnak says that drinking fresh juices on a regular basis could lead to erosion and tooth decay.

If you still want to drink juices, at least stick to those that are entirely made of vegetables because they contain less sugar. Ahh, and make sure you rinse afterward.

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