Categories: LIFE migration

12 Secrets That Help You Memorize Things Easily

Photo by mimagephotography from Shutterstock

Synthesize information

You know those situations when you are at a dinner with your friends, and they start arguing over a political matter? They have a heated conversation, every 5 minutes someone brings a new argument to the table and by the end of the conversation the subject might end with a conclusion or not.

Even though at the beginning of the conversation you were not very familiar with the subject, by the end of it you are actually able to intervene with your own opinion. Have you ever wondered how you did that? It’s called synthesizing the information, and it’s a beautiful technique our brain uses to perceive things better.

It is the healthiest and guaranteed method to use if you want to memorize anything because it relies completely on your ability to process information. There are 3 pivotal tips you can use to improve this method of memorizing, that you do without even realizing. First of all, you need to concentrate on the data that you want to understand and memorize.

This means, basically, ignoring anything else that might interfere with your attention on the subject. Going back to the example we’ve given before if your friends argue over politics, you need to concentrate on their opinions in order to choose a side! Secondly, you need to find out quickly which information is relevant to you. I mean, when you get a new job, which of the names you remember first, your boss’s or your colleagues?

Last but not the least, you’ll strengthen your memory over time and realize you’re getting better and better everyday and synthesizing information. Of course, this means investing everyday in the process by adding up brand new knowledge.

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