Categories: SYMPTOMS

8 Reasons You’re Always Cold

Raynaud’s Phenomenon

When you have it, blood vessels in your hands overreact to cold temperatures or stress. During an attack, which usually lasts from a few minutes to an hour, they narrow and limit blood supply. This can make your fingers and toes cold and numb, and they may turn white or blue. As blood returns, they may start to tingle or even hurt. Medicine can ease symptoms and prevent tissue damage. You may need surgery if it’s a severe case.


Kidney Disease

Diabetes and high blood pressure often cause kidney disease. Waste may build up to dangerous levels because your kidneys do a poor job of filtering your blood. This can lower body temperature and cause other problems. Kidney disease is also linked to anemia, which can make you feel cold even when it’s warm outside. You may get relief when your doctor treats your kidney disease.

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