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11 Signs You’re Way Too Dehydrated

Dehydration is a common health condition in which the body loses more water (whether through sweating, urinating, or breathing) than it takes in. The amount

10 Signs Your Kidneys Are in Big Trouble

Most people don’t think much about their kidneys until something is really wrong. Considering they’re you’re built-in detox machines, you might want to pay closer

6 Silent Signs of Gastritis

Gastritis is the inflammation of your stomach lining. Gastroenterologist Taruna Bhatia, MD, medical director of hepatology at CarePoint Health System, explains that if your stomach

6 Signs You Have a Mosquito Bite Allergy

Summertime brings with it many gifts—longer days, warmer weather, beach trips…oh, and mosquitoes. While these tiny flying insects are simply a nuisance for most, for


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