Categories: FOOD

6 Common Foods That Can Cause Headaches

Cocktail party foods

Aged cheeses, nuts, olives, and pickled products like baby corn and pickles are the standard appetizers for many cocktail parties. However, these little bites are high in tyramine. The National Headache Foundation suggests limiting intake of tyramine to help control headaches. Tyramine levels can increase in foods that are aged, fermented, or stored for long periods of time.



Chewing a piece of minty gum for a few minutes after a garlic-laden lunch probably won’t trigger a headache, but if you’re a frequent chewer, you may want to switch out gum for a mint. Excessive chewing gives your jaws quite the workout. In a recent small study, 19 of the 30 gum chewing teens observed found relief from chronic headaches when they stopped chewing gum. Even though the study focused on teens, the same holds true for adults.

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