Categories: HEALTH TIPS

Immune-Boosting Myths That Can Actually Affect Your Health

Photo by Travis Yewell from Unsplash

Myth: Food can be magic medicine for improving your immune system.

We have to admit that there are some super foods that can help you improve your overall health, but you should follow a healthy diet for a few years to see some results (or even for life). The truth is that you can’t magically improve your health condition just by eating an apple, especially when you have only eaten junk food all your life and also have had a chaotic lifestyle. 

In addition, foods can help you prevent and combat some symptoms, but in some cases, you will also need specialized treatment prescribed by your doctor, especially when it comes to boosting your immune system. 

“But there is no ‘superfood’ that will magically give it a boost,” says Webster. 

Your body needs time to run at full capacity. So, try to change your whole lifestyle and opt for a healthy diet that contains more fruits and vegetables, because they are an excellent source of essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals and fiber – and they can improve your immune system condition but in the long run. 

“A diet filled with plenty of important nutrients is crucial for overall health and a strong immune system, but many other lifestyle factors play a role, too,” explains Rodriquez.

Obviously, it’s very important to stick to a healthy diet, but your everyday habits are also fundamental when it comes to your health. Namely, you should get enough sleep, relieve stress and anxiety (they are the main enemies of your immune system), exercise every day for at least thirty minutes, limit alcohol consumption and quit smoking. 

However, here are some signs that you might have an autoimmune disease.

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