Categories: HEALTH TIPS

12 Unhealthy Habits You Have to Break Right Now for a Healthy Lifestyle

Photo by David Prado Perucha –

Screen Time Before Bed

By now we all know that spending to much time on our phones is a bad habit, right? But let’s get into specifics and talk about screen time before bed. No, we don’t mean too much screen time before bed. We mean screen time before bed. Period. No matter how little or how much you engage in this, it’s just as bad!

Doing so will affect the quality of sleep you get and, over time, you’ll feel more and more restless throughout the day. Coming up with a routine that works for you is key. You might want to have dinner two to three hours before bedtime and, if you can, avoid watching TV before bed. Put your phone away, face down, and set it on silent mode until the next day.

Focusing Too Much on Yourself

You might think that focusing on yourself could be good for your self-esteem, but it actually lowers it. Social media has made us obsessed with our image and the way we portray ourselves- this is different from self-awareness, which is indeed a good thing.

The more you focus on yourself the more you’ll have to nitpick at, becoming obsessive with all your imperfections, however small. Want to hear the craziest part? Scientists have found that the more a person uses singular pronouns like “me” and “I”, the greater their chances to develop depression and anxiety. This may also be linked to marital dissatisfaction.

Limit your social media use and look at the people around you. Make it a habit to observe the people you interact with instead, focusing on the things you like and appreciate about them.

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