Categories: HEALTH TIPS

12 Unhealthy Habits You Have to Break Right Now for a Healthy Lifestyle

Photo by Roman Samborskyi –

Too Much News

You’ve watched the news lately, right? The world sure seems depressing and dangerous… But is it, really?

The news is focused on negative information. Media motivated by profit won’t show you all the good stuff because, quite simply, it doesn’t make money. You’re much more likely to pay attention to the news reports if they’re gritty and recall horrific events.

You may experience anxiety and even trauma if you focus too much on all the negatives and could start looking for bad things everywhere.

Being diligent and realizing that there are dangers around you is not the same as expecting them at every turn like the media portrays them to happen.

Holding Grudges

Holding grudges might literally kill you. Sounds unlikely? It’s not. Research has shown that resentment could lead to chronic stress, which could develop into heart diseases.

Sure, getting betrayed by someone you once trusted isn’t great, but you could make it worse by holding a grudge. You have two options. Letting go and cutting contact with that person or forgiving them.

Focus on the good relationships that you have and, in time, you’ll notice a boost in self-esteem and you’ll feel less anxious. The best part? You’ll also lower your blood pressure.

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