Categories: SYMPTOMS

12 Warning Signs Your Lungs Are Yelling for Immediate Help

Lung Cancer

Photo by Yok_onepiece –

Lung cancer may be the scariest sounding lung affection on this list. It causes malignant lung cells to grow and multiply uncontrolled which can invade nearby tissues and spread to other parts of the body.

Scientists say that allergens and air pollution may play a role in lung cancer. Unsurprisingly, tobacco use has also been linked to this disease, so avoiding tobacco use is a form of prevention. This means you should avoid smoking and avoid second-hand smoke as well. If someone you know smokes in indoor spaces ask them to do so outside.

Furthermore, there are two types of lung cancer, namely small cell and non-small cell. Non-small cell is the most widespread type. It also spreads more slowly than small cell cancer.

Now let’s look at 12 silent signs that your lungs could be in trouble!

You’re Short of Breath

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Since we experience flu seasons frequently, plenty of us don’t worry about them as much as we have. But colds and flu viruses could cause severe damage to your lungs if you have an underlying lung condition. In some extreme (and scary) cases, even being under a lot of stress could lead you to develop a bacterial infection. And that’s on top of having a cold!

Shortness of breath could be due to the combined effects of two such conditions. Andrea McKee, MD and chairman of radiation oncology at the Lahey Hospital & Medical Center Sophia Gordon Cancer Center in Burlington, Massachusetts says it’s time to talk to a medical professional, as these symptoms could lead to bronchitis or bacterial pneumonia.

You’ll likely be given antibiotics but don’t ask for them if you’re only suffering from a cold as they won’t do you any good. The flu is caused by a virus whereas antibiotics attack bacteria.

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