Categories: HEALTH TIPS

7 Things You Can Do Right Now to Prevent Blood Sugar Spikes

Photo by Oleksandra Naumenko from Shutterstock

2. Avoid refined carbs

Also known as processed carbs, they are basically sugars or refined grains. Common sources of refined carbs include breakfast cereals, white rice, table sugar, white bread, candy, desserts, and, of course, soda.

After being processed, all refined carbs lack minerals, nutrients, fiber, and vitamins. So, they are a no-no for your health. Plus, they have one of the highest glycemic indexes out there, meaning that they are easily digested. The higher the glycemic index, the more likely you are to experience blood sugar spikes.

In fact, a large study suggests that following a diet that is pretty abundant in high-glycemic-index carbs is linked to an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

You should also consider that the glycemic index depends on a lot of things, including ripeness. For example, green bananas are a better option for diabetics than ripe ones. Read all about it here!

In general, it’s best to stick with whole-grain foods because most of them have a lower glycemic index, as well as legumes, the vast majority of fruits, and non-starchy veggies.

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