Categories: LIFE

10 of the Strangest Medical Cases Reported Last Year

Photo by Marian Weyo from Shutterstock

2. Cold allergy

When someone says he or she is allergic to cold, we usually translate the statement to ‘I don’t like the cold season!’ However, that was not the case for a man from Colorado. The 34-year-old man is literally allergic to cold. His sudden allergic reaction was so severe that he almost died.

According to the case’s report, the man collapsed as soon as he stepped out of a hot shower into a really cold bathroom. He experienced difficulty breathing, and when he arrived at the hospital, doctors say that he was entirely covered in hives. All the signs and symptoms pointed to anaphylaxis.

His diagnosis was cold urticaria, and it’s described by doctors as a severe allergic reaction of the skin after cold exposure, including cold water and cold air. One of the most common symptoms of cold urticaria is a red, itchy rash, but some people, such as the case of the 34-year-old man, could experience a whole-body allergic reaction.

Fortunately, his condition improved rapidly after he was given the right treatment.

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