8 Ways You Can Support Someone Grieving During the Coronavirus Crisis

Photo by Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock

You should make them accept their feelings

It is said that you have to accept your feelings if you want to be happy again. “So an example of validating someone in this state would be to say: ‘It is so sad that you’re not getting to go to school and able to be with your friends. It is really sad that you had a huge project at work and now it’s been put on hold,’” Kessler said.

“People will complain about what they’re feeling and then they will turn to me and sort of go, ‘Oh it’s not like yours,’” Kessler said. “Your middle school child who is missing her graduation gets to be upset and feel grief. Your daughter gets to grieve her wedding. The death of a loved one is horrendous but we still have a right to feel all these smaller griefs.”

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