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9 Reasons Why Your Shoulder Hurts

Photo by Albina Glisic from Shutterstock

1. Osteoarthritis

With age comes wisdom…. and a lot of serious health issues, like osteoarthritis. Your shoulder pain caused by this degenerative joint disease can result from various reasons such as general wear and tear, an overlooked injury, or repetitive overhead motions due to a physically demanding activity.

Joint tissues and cartilages deterioration is normal over time. This inevitable process increases friction causing pain, swelling, and decreased mobility. An estimated 1 in 3 people over the age of 60 suffer from it, according to the Arthritis Foundation. There’s no cure for it, but there are many treatments available that can ease the pain.

“I would definitely not tell patients to simply learn to live with this,” says James Fedich, a New Jersey-based chiropractor. “There are many treatments that can help increase the motion and decrease the pain.” For example, some conservative and non-invasive options include ultrasound, cold laser, manipulation, and old-fashioned strengthening exercises.

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