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10 Lifestyle Changes for Autoimmune Disease

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In the last few years, autoimmune diseases have become one of the main subjects among people when it comes to health. According to some data, it has been found that this health issue can affect more than 24 million Americans, 5-8% of the country’s population.

There are over 80 diseases that are considered to be autoimmune, such as multiple sclerosis, Celiac disease, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and thyroid disease. The worst part is that the numbers keep increasing.

When it comes to these health affections, it can be hard to classify their symptoms. They can consist of many things, such as swelling, pain, and other discomforts.

Autoimmunity happens when your immune system, which is the way your body reacts and fights invaders, is perturbed and confused. Long story short, your body is trying to protect itself from strange things, like allergens, infections, toxins, and even stress.

However, there are cases when the immune system can’t differentiate “friends” from “enemies”. For example, your own tissue can start a fight, which can alter some of your organs, such as your brain and skin. There are times when your joints and even your whole body can be affected as well.

Usually, patients who are infected with this disease are advised to take medications, in order to make their symptoms milder. On the other hand, there are many people who can make just a few lifestyle changes in order to live their lives the way they want to.

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