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10 Lifestyle Changes for Autoimmune Disease

Photo by Gorodenkoff from
  • fix your gut problems – it’s a no-brainer that your whole autoimmune system can be all over the place if you have health problems related to your gut. According to some studies, it has been found that a big percent of your immune system, approximately 60-70%, stays under the lining of your gut. If that area breaks down, your immune system will get confused and it will start attacking everything in your gut. You can improve your gut health by eating anti-inflammatory foods. You should also consider avoiding gluten and foods that can cause sensitivities and allergies.
  • supplements are your friends – there are many supplements that can help your immune system in a natural way. Add fish oil, probiotics, vitamin C, and vitamin D to your diet and you will be golden. In addition to that, make sure you are filling up your body with the nutrients it needs, such as rutin, quercetin, and grapeseed extract.
  • start working out – if you are already an exercise bunny, good for you, but if you are not, you should start now. Consistent exercise, whether it’s strength training, cardio, or simply walking around in your neighborhood is a natural anti-inflammatory. You don’t have to go to the gym or run on a treadmill for hours. Find an activity you enjoy and be consistent. As long as you are moving your body every day, you can choose whatever type of workout you want.
  • create a sleeping schedule – if you are sleeping less than 6 hours per night, you can seriously damage your metabolism. You will have less energy, which will make your body crave sugar and carbs like crazy. Make sure you are sleeping for 8 hours every night, in order to function to maximum capacity.
  • meditation – you don’t have to get on the floor and start chanting. Make sure you have a few moments in your day where you can practice deep relaxation. Breathe properly and focus on techniques that can calm you, because stress is no good for your body at all. You can also do yoga, go to a massage, listen to a guided meditation online, or even take a walk outside. You will release any stress or anxiety you might feel and promote relaxation.

    Did you know about any of these lifestyle changes that can help fix an autoimmune disease? If you have any more tips that we’ve missed, make sure you add them in the comments section down below!

    If you liked reading this article, make sure to check this one out as well: 10 Worst Foods for Your Heart You Should Avoid!




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