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10 Conditions You Didn’t Know Were Contagious

Anyone who’s ever caught the flu from a coworker or come down with a cold after standing next to someone sniffly on a crowded train can attest to the fact that humans are walking disease vectors.

However, while you may be aware of some of the more common ailments you can get from close contact with others, there are a surprising number of other conditions—even potentially fatal ones—you might not realize are contagious.

Before you unintentionally put yourself in harm’s way, make sure you know these surprising conditions that can be passed on from person to person.

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1 thought on “10 Conditions You Didn’t Know Were Contagious”

  1. Cuomo is directly responsible for the disaster that happened in New York in 2020, but now he’s working overtime to dodge accountability for his actions.
    He’s sweeping evidence under the rug.
    He’s dodging the media.
    He’s hoping that we’ll forget about this scandal.

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