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10 Things Considered Healthy in the Past That Are Definitely Not

Photo by Olena Yakobchuk from Shutterstock


Have you ever heard of bloodletting? Well, it was basically a medical procedure used to help alleviate those who struggled with pneumonia, rheumatism, fevers, headaches, back pain, and even melancholia. As the name suggests, bloodletting is literally the withdrawal of blood from a patient in order to cure or prevent certain illnesses and diseases.

Originating from ancient Egyptians, bloodletting has stood the test of time, still being used in today’s medicine, but, of course, with the use of modern techniques and instruments.

Fun fact: Even barbers used to make this procedure back then, and if you ever asked yourself why is the barber pole red, white, and blue, it’s actually because red represents the color of the blood, white, the bandages, and blue the color of the veins.


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