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10 Warning Signs Cholesterol Is Harming Your Legs

Nighttime cramps

While sleeping, people with PAD may get cramps or spasms, typically in the heel, forefoot, or toes, says Darren Schneider, MD, director of the Center for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at New York–Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center.

The pain can often be relieved by dangling the foot off the bed or sitting in a chair, which allows gravity to assist blood flow to the feet, Dr. Schneider says.

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2 thoughts on “10 Warning Signs Cholesterol Is Harming Your Legs”

  1. I had high cholesterol for years. I could not take cholesterol pills due to cramping in my legs. Fast forward.. Im not sure if Covid affected my blood vessels or if its claudication from high cholesterol. Anybody with high cholesterol needs to take it seriously. One angioplasty and two procedures later, I can honestly say, YOU dont want this pain. Its no joke wondering when and if a blood clot will suddenly kill you. As well as calf in leg, never stops hurting.

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