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10 Things Neurologists Do to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease


Alzheimer’s disease is the leading cause of dementia, accounting for approximately 80 percent of dementia cases and affecting more than 5.5 million people in the United States. But all dementia is not Alzheimer’s, says David Knopman, MD, a neurologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota, and Fellow of the American Academy of Neurology.

Dementia is a general term used to describe a set of symptoms that may include memory loss and difficulties with thinking, problem-solving, or language. Alzheimer’s is a physical disease that targets the brain, causing problems with memory, thinking, and behavior. It is also age-related (symptoms usually start at age 65) and progressive as symptoms usually develop slowly and worsen over time.

Research shows that plaques and tangles, two proteins that build up and block connections between nerve cells and eventually damage and kill nerve cells in the brain, cause the symptoms of the disease.

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4 thoughts on “10 Things Neurologists Do to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease”

    1. I don’t believe the experts any more. My husband was very active. Using the gym, riding his bike, walking, dancing, swimming, etc. Also did some reading. His brother and sister were the opposit. All three had similar jobs. All three got Alzheimer at age 78 and died at 82.

      1. How very disheartening! My mom in law had it;p my hubby is okay—but I worry about my daughter who is 68 and has all of her nanny traits! What can she do? Her dad (89( is okay and so am I so far. What can one do?


  1. Hasn’t anyone read the most current info regarding this? Not that anyone has the TRUTH, but the signs are that this horrifying disease skips a generation. Since my Mom, her sister, great uncle, great aunt and countless cousins died from complications caused by Alzheimers, I pray for my nieces and nephews and for a cure.

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