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You Will Improve Your Posture With Just 6 Exercises

Body alignment is very important, so pay attention to your everyday posture. “If you have pain or movement issues, checking posture can give your insight into what needs to be fixed and why,” says Nike coach and S10 trainer Joe Holder. “Looking at the way someone stands, from the feet all the way up to the neck, can give a lot of insight into over or underactive muscles in the body,” he adds. These exercises below, chosen by Holder can help you to correct your posture, check them out!



You need to stand with feet hip-width apart and while holding light weights hinge at the hips to begin in a starting position. Your back needs to be flat and your arms straight down in front of you, above your knees. Row your elbows back using your upper back muscles, so you hit a broken T shape. Rotate your hands up toward your shoulders. Staying in the hinge position, extend your arms straight forward and up to your ears. Then return them to the starting position. That’s one rep.

Perform 3 sets of 8 reps.



Start lying on your stomach with your arms and legs extended, keeping your head in a neutral position. In a swimming motion, swing your arms down by your sides. Then bring them back up and overhead by your ears. Focus on keeping shoulders relaxed and moving from the lats and mid back. That is one rep.

Perform 3 sets of 8 reps.


Shoulder external rotation

You need to grab a dumbbell in each hand and put your palms face up. Then bend your elbows and keep them against your torso. Rotate your palms away from your torso until your arms are almost facing outward. You should feel your back and shoulder muscles fire. Slowly bring your hands back together.

Perform 3 sets of 10 reps.


Seated T-Spine openers

Start sitting on your bench with your hands behind your neck and with elbows close to each other. Then lift your chest and elbows toward the ceiling, moving from your upper back. Try not to arch from your lower back. That’s one rep.

Perform 3 sets of 8-12 reps.


Farmer’s walks

As the shoulder external rotation, you need a dumbbell in each hand and with your arm extended down by your side, keep your shoulders down away from your ears. Walk forward, keeping your core engaged and taking strong and deliberate steps. Walk for 30-50 yards, then rest. That’s one rep.

Perform 5 sets of 8 reps.



You can hold a dumbbell or a kettlebell in each hand at your chest and then pull your shoulder blades down away and back from your ears, just as you’re moving the weight up and around your head in a circle, returning them back to your chest. Keep your head upright and neck neutral. Do 10 rotations one way, then 10 the other. That’s one set.

Perform 3 sets.

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