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Self-Care Habits That Will Help You Enjoy Your Life More

“Self-care is something we tend to forget about because it can almost seem as if you’re being selfish,” says Apryl Zarate Schlueter, author of Finding Success in Balance: My Journey to the Cheerful Mind. “But we need to give to ourselves. Otherwise, you can run low on energy and put negativity out there instead of positivity.” These are the self-care suggestions to take in consideration this year.


Take vacations

Relax yourself and enjoy your life more often, so start planning your next trip. “People forget to take advantage of having a vacation from work,” says Schlueter. “It allows you to slow down so you can speed back up when you get back.”


Try workouts outside of your comfort zone

Stretch your boundaries as much as you can, because something new can fill you with adrenaline and if you accept the challenge you will improve your life and you will fill less stressed. You can go to the gym and set a goal as Schlueter, who checked out a flying trapezes class. “That was my zen place where I could socialize, work out, and have fun,” she says.


Start saying ‘no’

“Saying no to someone or something is a great form of self-care. Not only is it allowing you to avoid something you don’t want to do, but it gives space in your life to say yes to something you do,” says Schlueter. So, start using ‘no’!


Wake up with gratitude

You will fill so much better if you maintain a happy and optimistic perspective. Be positive and remind yourself all the goods in your life. “Thinking about one thing you’re grateful for reinforces a positive mindset, which prevents you from defaulting to the negative,” says Schlueter. And don’t forget that overthinking leads to negative thoughts!


Set regular coffee or wine dates with a friend

You should transform it into a habit, because, in a recent study the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships shown that feeling satisfied with your friendships its what matters the most when it comes to be happy. Invest time in your friendships in real life!


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