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8 Reasons to Include Parsley in Every Meal

Parsley is a nutritional powerhouse with vitamins A, B, C and K and the minerals iron and potassium. This herb is a natural diuretic, which helps to eliminate excess fluid without depleting the body of potassium. It also plays a key role in preventing the degenerative effects of diabetes on the liver. For more powerful health benefits continue reading this article!

Breast cancer protection

Apparently adding parsley to your diet is another one of the ways you can prevent breast cancer. Parsley benefits may include specifically protecting you from breast cancer. ‘It contains a chemical compound called apigenin that is known to help inhibit breast cancer cell growth,’ says Amanda Capriglione RD, CDN. ‘Some scientists believe that apigenin can be a possible non-toxic treatment in the future.’ Add a handful of flat leaf parsley to salads, smoothies, and soups for maximum benefits.

Fights inflammation

Eating parsley benefits you in many ways, and this one is absolutely key. It’s one of the more troubling general symptoms—inflammation can actually be deadly. Parsley helps because it’s high in antioxidants like vitamin C, A, and E, which can help soothe inflammation. ‘This can help reduce the risk of arthritis, an inflammation of the joints,’ says Brunilda Nazario, MD. ‘It is also an excellent source of flavonoids, antioxidants that help reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, including cancer, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s disease.’

Makes grilling safer

‘Consume parsley with your char-grilled chicken, fish, and steak to help minimize the cancer-causing effects of heterocyclic amines,’ says Capriglione. ‘Heterocyclic amines are made when proteins are cooked at high temperatures.’ She suggests making a chimichurri sauce by blending parsley, fresh garlic, salt, pepper, some apple cider or red wine vinegar and olive oil together and adding to cooked meats.

Strengthens bones

‘Ten sprigs of parsley is enough to reach your daily dose of vitamin K,’ says Capriglione. Getting an adequate amount of vitamin K in your diet may help protect against bone fractures, as it helps make the protein for bones and blood clotting.

Prevents lines and wrinkles

Eating parsley benefits your complexion. The herb is high in vitamin C, and vitamin C makes collagen, which gives skin its structure and strength. ‘Collagen helps to iron out fine lines and wrinkles,’ says Capriglione. ‘Make a vitamin C-packed salad with some greens (including parsley), orange pieces, and finish with a lemony vinaigrette.’

Helps with digestion

Settle your stomach with the help of this soothing herb. ‘It can help aid in digestion and help reduce bloating,’ says Capriglione. ‘It contains compounds that enable the expulsion of gas from the body.’ Add some flat leaf parsley into your dinner before a big night out.

Freshens breath

Although it may not be able to kill all those sulfur compounds that cause bad breath, eating some of the herb can help freshen the breath and mask any bad odors. ‘Parsley acts as a natural breath freshener, especially after consuming garlic or onion,’ says Capriglione.

Helps with bladder infections

Suffer from UTIs? Consider adding some parsley into your diet. ‘Homeopathic practitioners use this to treat urinary tract infections and kidney and bladder stones,’ says Nazario. ‘It contains chemicals that cause muscle contraction in the intestine, bladder, and uterus. Hence, indigestion, UTIs, and menstrual cramps were often treated with concoctions of this herb.’


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