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7 Eating Habits That Raise Your Cholesterol

Photo by Prostock-studio from Envato Elements

6. You drink too much

Drinking too much alcohol can actually raise your triglyceride levels, according to the American Heart Association. “Sometimes it elevates them greatly,” Hultin says. Take into consideration that men should have no more than two alcoholic beverages per day, while women should stick with one.

A drink is one 12 oz. beer, 4 oz. of wine, 1.5 oz. of 80-proof spirits or 1 oz. of 100-proof spirits. Alcohol impacts both your brain and body. Consuming way too much alcohol increases the risk of short-term harms (such as a car accident), as well as the risk of long-term chronic health issues. In fact, it can even lead to certain cancers such throat, mouth, esophageal, and stomach cancer.

So, if you have a drinking problem talk to your psychologist, or read this book.

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