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6 Simple Tips to Detoxify Your Body

You don’t have to endure the consequences of an extreme diet if you want to make a detox. Remember that our bodies pull out toxins on their own, so you don’t need to make extreme choices. Also, you can’t say that you make a detox with a 7-day juice fast. Cleansing your body can be very easy if you make the right choice. If you eat healthy foods and drink enough water for keeping your digestion on the right level, you don’t have to worry about anything. Here are some healthy habits for detoxing your body naturally.


Anti-inflammatory foods

Keep your insides clean by eating anti-inflammatory foods such as fruits, beans and veggies, which are rich in fiber as well as seeds, nuts and whole grains. Try to stay away from fried, processed and sugary foods along with red meat.


Drink more

No, not alcohol, drink more water and, if you want, you can add some lemon in your glass of water, so your liver will produce more enzymes, which are very good for your digestion. Also, you can drink green tea, because studies have shown that it protects you against cancer and heart disease.


Work out

Sweating helps you to detox your body and boost your circulation. And that’s not all, exercising makes you feel better and less stressed. So, what are you waiting for?


Smaller portions

If you are eating too much, your digestive system needs to work overtime and this is not good at all. Try to eat smaller portions and slowly and if you are still hungry, eat more frequent.



Believe it or not, exfoliation can boost your circulation and promote new cells to growth. Add Epsom salt in your bath and let your skin absorb the salt’s minerals.



Get at least seven hours of sleep every night, it’s very important for your health. If you follow a bedtime sleep, you will reduce inflammation and stress, so your body will function perfectly.


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