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How to Check Your Medical Records for Errors

We are humans and we make a lot of mistakes every single day—that’s why when you have got your health record, also known as a medical record, make sure that the information is correct, complete and up-to-date. It’s very important to do this, because your doctor may have forgotten to write something down.

Common errors of your medical records can include:

• You may have forgotten to tell your doctor about something — like a new medication or allergy
• Your doctor might have misunderstood, incorrectly noted, or left out something — like information about your health history or your symptoms or the date of your appointment
• Your doctor might have ordered a test you’ve already had — or charged you for a test you didn’t have

Always review your medical record—it’s the proper way to detect any error. If you leave your health record unchecked, this could impact your future health and treatment.

Learn the following tips to know what kind of errors you should look for!


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