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12 Important Things Your Doctor Wants You to Know

Photo by Prostock-studio from Envato

Oncologists don’t like pink

“Of course raising money is great. But during breast cancer–awareness month, in October, everyone comes in thinking she has advanced breast cancer. Our patients hate it because they can’t go anywhere without being reminded of their disease.” —James C. Salwitz, MD, a medical oncologist specializing in breast cancer in East Brunswick, New Jersey.

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1 thought on “12 Important Things Your Doctor Wants You to Know”

  1. These 12 important things that a doctor wants his/her patients to know are very interesting. I try, and have been doing so for years, to do almost all of them. I am a knitter, so I always take my current project with me to the doctor’s office. I also try to get there about 20 min. earlier. Quite frankly I like being there to knit (in a quiet place). If you can take something to do or read or?? it might ease the wait and the entire appointment. If you have something chronic, that you have been treated for with your doctor for awhile, then you and your doctor probably have formed some type of relationship. Doctors jobs are much different today then they used to be (more paperwork, time on the computer, and more government regulations)….so be a good patient and a good person as well, and understand that your doctor is really there for YOU!!

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