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11 Super Easy Ways to Reduce Food Waste and Save Money

Photo by SpeedKingz from Shutterstock

Food waste is actually a bigger issue than most of us would think. As a matter of fact, approximately one-third of all food produced worldwide is discarded for different reasons. This translates to almost 1.3 billion tons of food every year. And it may not be surprising at all that the U.S. waste more food than other industrialized countries.

Maybe you’ve disposed of your leftovers this morning, too, not thinking of how food waste affects you. Tossing edible food does not only affect your wallet but the environment as well. Because discarded foods go to landfills where they produce methane gas, the edibles you and your family throw every day contribute to climate change.

This harmful practice can change the way we live for good, so it’s up to us to prevent that from happening. Let’s find out what we can do to reduce food waste.

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