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11 Reasons Why Drinking Coffee Daily Is So Good

Americans get more antioxidants from coffee than anything else.

As studies have surprisingly shown, U.S. citizens get their daily dose of antioxidants mainly from coffee – and not just because they don’t eat that much vegetables or fruits. Apparently, the human body absorbs the largest quantity of antioxidants from coffee!

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39 thoughts on “11 Reasons Why Drinking Coffee Daily Is So Good”

  1. Just stating “coffee” doesn’t help me in knowing that “decaf coffee” is included in these good results.
    I get too jittery when I use caffeine. And I drink about three cups of decaf a day.
    Please advise.

    1. I’m an 86 yrs old woman and only use decaf. If you can find out about using regular coffee, I’d like to know the answer.

    2. Several of the points mention that it is the caffeine that makes the statement true so if you want those benefits it sounds like you need the caffeine but the other parts not mentioning the benefit coming from caffeine i would assume either coffee type would work.

  2. I get frequent arthritic headaches in back of the head and neck, and taking coffee (with caffeine) at the first sign of one often cures it.

    1. Oh my gosh!! Another fellow coffee drinker!!! And, I agree, heaven should definitely have a coffee shop!!!

  3. How big of a cup of coffee are we talking about and what if you had sugar and cremora???? Usually I only drink one big mug of coffee of a morning but have now gone to just one smaller cup but I am liberal with the sugar and Cremora.

    1. Sugar has been proven to be extremely bad for you and Cremora contains High-fructose corn syrup (more sugar), glycerides, partially hydrogenated oils (trans-fats), other bad stuff like artificial coloring.

      Try using your regular milk in place of creamer. Milks (drink organic grass fed only) , whether dairy or nut based, can be less processed than their “creamer” alternatives. Grass-fed Half & half (healthy fats) only has two ingredients, or Goat milk – Dr. G

  4. Many good things from drinking coffee but recent study found it (and tea) may up your chances of developing lung cancer. It may be tied to the brewing process. (Google it and you’ll locate the study details.

  5. Christine Stapleton

    Since 1997 I must have at least one cup of Dunkin’ Donuts or Quick Chek coffee daily before having any thing else. Light with cream and no sugar. It cuts my appetite and keep the weight off.

    1. I drink one small cup of coffee in the morning with half and half. For sweetness I throw in a ginger snap. This keeps me going all day long. Occasionally I will have a second cup of coffee.

  6. Robert SYLVESTER

    The coffee we drink comes from brewing ground up beans – the beans grow on a bush, like a fruit – naturally as a product from nature – so coffee is the “essence of the fruit” – packed with antioxidants which are very healthy nutritionally for human metabolism – Enjoy your coffee – it is good for you !

  7. I’ve been drinking coffee since I was 16 years old. I am now 67 years old. I was very liberal with creamer until about 8 months ago and quit. No sugar either. I have found coffee to be a very delicious beverage and better tasting without all the sweeteners.

  8. Nancy Larsen Chapin

    So glad for this article. I LOVE my two cups of coffee w/cream for decades. With all the Keto advice online, I was thinking I should switch to something green. Your 11 reasons to drink coffee are great. I’m happy to continue!

  9. Gloria J. Mayfield

    I drink from three to four cups of decaf daily, with coffee creamer. I began drinking coffee, when I was in the military, I am now 79.

    1. I love both hot in the morning cold in the afternoon I love my coffee now that I know that’s got a lot of antioxidants I’ll drink double LOL yummy and I’ll be smarter tomorrow

  10. I wonder if the researchers distinguished between people who get jittery from caffeine and those who do not. It’s likely that those who react badly to caffeine were in the low caffeine group. Could the cause of people’s positive reaction to caffeine be part of the reason that they experience certain health benefits?

  11. I love both hot in the morning cold in the afternoon I love my coffee now that I know that’s got a lot of antioxidants I’ll drink double LOL yummy and I’ll be smarter tomorrow

  12. I grind my own beans as well as use both a Keurig and French Press. Using gourmet coffees (except for the Sumatran … damn stuff dissolved spoons and attempts escape from my cup!) as well as occasional Good instants not only starts my day but brings a pleasant end as well.

  13. Been drinking coffee since I was 16 years old and am 66 years old now. Glad to see yet another study about the benefits of coffee. When researching coffee makers, it’s best to find one that reaches a brewing temperature of 205 degrees F.

  14. I started drinking coffee when I was around four. Of course it had more milk than coffee,I think. By the time I was in third grade, I got up and woke the my parents and siblings with the coffee already made on the table.
    I am about to turn 58 and healthier than most people I know my age. I have drank it black for several years and use honey instead of sugar.

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