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8 Poor Health Symptoms Women Shouldn’t Ignore

Photo by Anastasiia Chepinska / Unsplash

You don’t participate in any kind of exercise

As you already know, exercise is one of the most important things that you have to do to stay healthy and reduce the risk of certain diseases that can cause death. If you choose to live a sedentary life, it’s important to know that you will be more likely to develop heart disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer. 

“A sedentary lifestyle is an indication of poor health, and it sets people up to remain in a cycle of poor health in the future. Someone who is sedentary and doesn’t participate in any sort of exercise may go on to develop muscle/ joint pain; joint wearing, stiffness, and tightness; poor endurance; poor biomechanics; difficulty with functional movements; and other issues,” said Danielle Weis, PT, DPT, OCS, a physical therapist and orthopedic clinical specialist.

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