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6 Ways To Tell If You’re Healthy Without a Scale

Stronger Always Means Healthier

When you start a new exercise regimen that includes weight training, you want to add muscle. And while that muscle might register on the scale as increased weight and lead you to think you’re not seeing results, you can lose fat and gain muscle at the same time—it’s actually the ideal scenario!

Even if the scale numbers aren’t making you happy, feeling stronger than before is a clear sign that you’re healthy.


Glowing skin? You’re on the right track!

Let’s face it: everybody has been trying more and more apparently-miraculous treatments to look at least a few years younger, but did they really work the way they claimed to? Probably not.

Although it’s not as easy as rubbing some cream on your face, exercising after turning 40 years old gets your skin to look – and feel – closer to that of 30-year-olds. As long as you take care of your inner health and work out constantly, the positive effects will show up on the outside as well.

Measure Your Resting Heart Rate Constantly

Your resting heart rate is the number of times your heart beats per minute when your body is completely at rest. According to the Mayo Clinic, a normal resting heart rate is around 60-100 beats per minute.

If yours is within this range, your cardiovascular system is working efficiently and you’re maintaining good heart health—something that can be achieved with increased exercise!


1 thought on “6 Ways To Tell If You’re Healthy Without a Scale”

  1. Thank you.

    I enjoyed learning how to stay healthy.

    God first. Health second!

    God gives you your next breath.

    I am a young an active 67 year old lady.

    I take no medicines.

    I go to a nutritionist and do take vitamins and herbs.

    We reversed osteoporosis. naturally.

    It has been confirmed by 2 bone density tests.

    My pulse is around 60 so I need to exercise more.

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