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16 Clear Signs Your Kidneys Are in Trouble

Photo by Albina Gavrilovic from Shutterstock

Sadly, more than 26 million people suffer from kidney disease in our country, and the number is only expected to grow. Chances are you’re suffering from a sort of kidney issue, too. Even worse, your kidneys might be in trouble without realizing it.

Because not all kidney disease symptoms are super obvious, you should pay a closer look at the signs your kidneys are signaling you. Your body’s “master chemists” perform many important tasks, so keeping them in tip-top shape is essential for proper overall health.

However, two of the most important tasks your kidneys do are filtering your blood in order to remove any waste and excess fluids and controlling your blood pressure by producing the right amount of hormones.

According to a spokesperson for the American Society of Nephrology, Joel Topf, MD, most kidney issues are “invisible.” Luckily, people could find out if they have any kidney issues through a simple urine screening test. But until then, it’s best to check out the following kidney disease symptoms and signs.

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