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10 Warning Signs Your Heart Is Sending You

9. You’re always thirsty

Drinking water often is a good thing, while the CDC are suggesting to most adults to drink more water daily, but when you’re constantly thirsty, it’s not about that you’re not hydrated enough, this is a sign that you may have a problem with your heart. The mix of gastrointestinal upset and electrolyte imbalances are often going along with heart disease and that’s why you’re feeling always thirsty.


10. You have sleep apnea

That annoying snoring that is keeping you from getting a properly sleep could be a sign that your heart isn’t functioning well. Sleep apnea and heart disease are often linked, but isn’t always clear if the former causes the latter. If you have serious questions about your sleeping problem, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible.

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3 thoughts on “10 Warning Signs Your Heart Is Sending You”

  1. READ THIS ARTICLE GOOD—-BECAUSE IT IS SO TRUE. I KNOW because I’ve had 4 heart attacks!
    I had a sharp pain in the shoulder, but it would go away. I use to have a knife stabbing pain in the chest, but it would go away in 10 seconds or less. Other times, I felt overtired, just wiped out. AND this continued for about a year! Until 1993, I had the first heart attack, I missed death by 10 minutes because the LAD Artery was 100% blocked. It’s called the”widow maker” and only 5% survive, so yes, I was one of the lucky ones. The doctors put me in a coma for 4 days because of the major stress the heart went through. If you get 2 people who weight is over 200 pounds each, imagine them standing on a table, jumping off the table and you’re laying on the floor on your back and they jumped on your chest at once together, that’s the type of pain a full heart attack feels like. They did an angioplasty and it killed the bottom 25% of the heart. It took me several months to get back up and it was hard. Then, the following year, in 1994, the same pain continued again, except this time I went to the hospital and contacted the doctor. The same artery was blocked 90% this time, they put in a Stent, and also quit smoking cold turkey, it’s the only way. The other 2, one was in 2005 and the last one in 2015. Each time, a stent was inserted. So, 2 stents in the LAD and 1 in the RCA, and 1 angioplasty in the LAD. Now, the heart is about 40% dead and now picking up 40 pounds is like picking up 200 pounds. Walking is good but slow, and going upstairs or up hills does cause a lot of chest pains sometimes and I take a nitro, rest a minute and pain goes away. So, if you read all this and read “what your heart is trying to tell you” tell your doctor. With the medical advances they have come up with you can live longer. Eat good, exercise (but don’t overdo it) walk, and most of all quit smoking and any drugs if you do now (except for what the doctor prescribes to you. You’ll be glad you did. Good Luck.

  2. had one in 2002 , felt nauseated all the time, one afternoon had a pizza loaded with jalapenos and 1 hour later was on care flight chopper fighting for my life. yep i had the widow maker , doctor told me i was lucky to be here. put in 2 stents , tossed cigarettes out the window [best thing i ever did] have had no problems since. i did develop afib about 8 years ago but no big deal. i am 60 years old now and work 12 to 15 hours a day.

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