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12 Common Drugs That Have Serious Side Effects

Photo by fizkes from Shutterstock

Adverse reaction in medication is one of the most feared effects one can ever think about. Each year there are 4.5 million Americans that visit the emergency room or a doctor’s office because of the side effects of the prescribed drugs they were taking.

That is why FDA obliges drug companies to enlist all the possible side effects each and every medication might have. Whether we’re talking about upset stomachs, muscle aches, dizziness, or headaches, they’re unpleasant and better to avoid.

But there are some common medications that can have weirder side effects, such as blue urine or sleepwalking in the middle of the night. We made a list of common drugs that can give you some strange effects, so if you take one of these listed below, you might want to reconsider.

  1. Lexapro –This common drug used for depression can cause hallucinations.
  2. Elavil, Indocin- Noticing that the color of your urine is different might not come as a surprise for you. It happens if you eat beets (your urine turns pink), and it can happen if you take vitamins as well(urine turns bright orange). But what about if you’d see one day that your urine turned blue? This weird symptom can be a side effect caused by the antidepressant Elavil, or the common pain reliever Indocin.
  3. Flagyl – This antibiotic that has metronidazole in its composition can turn your urine black, as a side effect;
  4. Ambien – The people that took this prescriptioned sleep aid have recalled getting up at night, going for a drive, talk on the phone or having sex without remembering any of these the next morning.;
  5. Prilosec – This drug is commonly prescribed as a heartburn medication, but it is considered to cause severe bloating;
  6. Birth control pills – Although this is a known fact, some birth control pills are avoided because it is well known they cause weight gain in a short amount of time;
  7. Prozac – This medication is part of a larger group of medications called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, which are considered to cause huge sexual problems, as the loss of ability to perform or enjoy sex;
  8. Desyrel- an antidepressant that contains trazodone and can cause priapism (a painful erection that lasts four hours);
  9. Accutane – this is a common drug used against acne, that has some severe side effects. It can cause dangerous complications for pregnant women and it can potentially be fatal;
  10. Viagra – This wildly popular drug that treats erectile dysfunction can have some weird side effects, such as tinting your vision blue or green;
  11. Cipro- Ever thought you can tear your tendon after taking a medication? Neither did we. Apparently, this is a side effect caused by the antibiotic Cipro. Other side effects include pain, swelling, and tears of the tendon in the heel, shoulder, and hand.

Even though you might not have taken any of these medications, we still recommend you to read carefully the prescription of any prescribed drug you take. Better safe than sorry!

If you enjoyed reading this article, we also recommend you: 13 Surprising Things That Can Affect Your Medication


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