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10 Incredibly Tasty & Healthy Snacks Under 10 Calories

The quality of your calories is just as important as the amount you consume. When you’re starting a weight loss plan, either on your own or with the help of a nutritionist, you might cut out certain foods that could prevent you from seeing results.

Typically, some, of the first foods to go are bread, pasta, rice, junk food, and soda. If you’re wondering what low-calorie bites will keep you energized and full, look at these 10 low-calorie snacks and remember that the quality of your calories is just as important as the amount you consume!

1 Calorie: Radish

How much? 1 radish

They’re not just a garnish, especially if you want to shed a few pounds! Radish are extremely low in calories, high in fiber, and break down more slowly in your digestive system—keeping you fuller longer.

2 Calories: Bell Peper

How much? 1 slice, raw

Burn, baby, burn! Studies shows these fiery little peppers can help you torch fat faster. Plus, the folate and vitamin B6 found in these flavor-filled vegetables can reduce swelling in arteries, helping to reduce your risk of heart disease.

3 Calories: Cauliflower

How much? 1 floret

These crunchy florets are filled to the brim with belly-filling fiber.

4 Calories: Strawberry

How much? 1 strawberry

Strawberries serve up some big health benefits! According to researchers at the University of Warwick, snacking on this popular summer treat can help prevent heart disease and diabetes. Mike Roussell, Ph.D, and SHAPE Diet Doctor columnist, suggests using berries as the base for a healthy smoothie. They add tons of flavor for very few calories, the mark of all the best foods for weight loss.

5 Calories: Scallion

How much? 1 scallion

Scallions, also known as green onions, are the perfect low-calorie, low-sodium, and fat-free flavor addition to almost any meal. Plus, research shows that scallions (along with onions and garlic) can help reduce inflammation and your risk of some cancers. Add chopped scallions to omelets, salads, or stir-fries. You can go crazy—100g of fresh leaves is just 31 calories!

6 Calories:  Celery

How much? 1 stalk

It’s the quintessential diet food! Also, researchers found that a compound in celery stopped certain breast cancer tumor cells from multiplying and growing in rats.

7 Calories: Spinach

How much? 1 cup, fresh

Thanks to Popeye’s bulging biceps, this leafy green is best known for its muscle-building power. But spinach is also a rich source of plant-based omega-3s and folate, which help reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, and osteoporosis. Aim for 1 cup fresh spinach or 1/2 cup cooked per day.

8 Calories: Dill Pickle

How much? 1 pickle

Pickles offer a completely guilt-free way to satisfy a salty, crunchy craving. And it’s super easy to make your own: thinly slice cucumbers and douse them in rice vinegar. That’s it!

“Cucumbers only have 16 calories per cup and the rice vinegar only adds 1 calorie per teaspoon but tons of flavor,” says Chicago nutritionist Dawn Jackson Blatner, R.D.

9 Calories: Hearts of Palm

How much? 1 hearts of palm, canned

They may not be the most common vegetables, but these white wonders should be a staple in your diet! With minimal calories, loads of fiber, and a delicious artichoke-like flavor, they’re a great addition to any meal.

10 Calories: Romaine Lettuce

How much? 1 cup

Not all lettuce is created equal. Choose Romaine as the base for your salad and you’ll not only add a variety of textures and flavors to your meal, but also a big hit of nutritional value. Extremely low in calories and high in water content, Romaine lettuce is an excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin K, folate, and vitamin C.


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