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5 Incredible Secrets to Lose Weight

Have you ever wondered how is to lose weight with delicious meals? With so many temptations around us, we can’t really lose weight. Just think that one burrito has 1.000 calories. A report in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that the average number of calories per serving in recipes found in The Joy of Cooking jumped from 268 to 437 in the past 70 years, in part due to bigger portions. So now you probably think if it’s even possible to lose weight in our society. Well…the answer is yes. Here are 5 secret ways to lose weight.

1. Plan your dinner

Decide what you want to eat for dinner early. When you don’t have any idea for your dinner, you are tempted to eat fast-foods and this will not help you losing weight. According to one study, a menu plan for the whole day really does help you lose weight. Also you need to decide how many calories you should eat: 1,500 calories daily leads to a 1- to 2-pound weight loss per week.

Calculate your calories

Your current weight x 12 = calories/day needed to maintain your current weight.
For losing 1 pound/week: Cut 500 calories/day.
For losing 2 pounds/week: Cut 1,000 calories/day.

2. Avoid “portion distortion”

When you want to lose weight, one of the best ways to do it it’s to size up your portions. Studies show that everyone underestimates how much they are eating. Go buy a measuring cup and you can start losing weight.

3. Balanced diet

Of course, when you reduce your portions, you reduce helpful nutrients too. So, it’s very important to make healthy choices. You can eat whole grains, which provides you fiber, antioxidants and minerals and fruits and vegetables, which are rich in vitamins and minerals.

4. Share your meals

You will not be very pleased when everybody around you are eating what they want, so share your delicious meals with them. Studies show that if you enjoy your healthy meals with friends and family you are more likely to lose weight.

5. Treat yourself

Don’t deprive yourself of everything you really love. You can’t resist temptations every time, so be realistic, nobody can live for long without chocolate. You can eat a little bit, but don’t abuse, prioritize your expectations and nobody can stop you, not even chocolate.



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