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Side Effects of Wearing Face Masks & Remedies 

Asian man with flu like symptoms wearing a mask.
Photo by CGN089 / Shutterstock

As you are already fully aware, one of the most effective ways to protect yourself, your family and other people against the novel coronavirus is to wear a surgical face mask. But unfortunately, some people say that these face masks can cause some side effects that can be bad especially for your skin. 

According to a study conducted by Elisheva Rosner, MSN, RN-C, Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital of New York-Presbyterian and published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology, healthcare professionals who wore an N95 face mask had some side effects, such as headaches, rashes, acne, skin breakdown and impaired cognition. The solution is to take frequent breaks, stay hydrated, rest and pay more attention to your skin care. 

Of course, even though surgical face masks can cause some side effects, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t wear one to protect yourself and prevent the spread of the virus, because there are some remedies that will help you combat and prevent these unexpected effects. So, read on for more info!


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