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5 Foods You Should Have in Your Kitchen for a Healthier 2018

You should renew your lifestyle this year, starting with your kitchen. Toss the junk, detoxify yourself, start the year with healthy food, so set up your kitchen for clean-eating success, because an organized kitchen with healthy foods is the key for a better healthcare. Here are must-haves to help you achieve your healthy goals in 2018.

Fruit and veggies

This is obvious, you can’t have a better healthcare and a balanced diet if you don’t eat veggies and fruit. They deliver vitamins, plant nutrients and minerals for protecting us against chronic conditions including heart disease, dementia, obesity and type 2 diabetes. Make sure you will fill up your kitchen with potatoes, lemons, onions, garlic, apples, oranges, and, of course, leafy greens.


Greek yogurt

An incredible source of high-quality protein, low-fat or nonfat, Greek yogurt should be in your diet. Greek yogurt contains calcium and potassium and a single-serving container of nonfat yogurt packs around 17 grams of protein. To understand better, 17 grams of protein is the equivalent of three eggs. So, you better start eating Greek yogurt.



A research reveals that a group of people who ate around an ounce of nuts daily, tend to be thinner and also have lower risk for heat disease. Doesn’t matter what you choose, whether you prefer almonds, walnuts, pistachios, cashews or other nut, the effect will be the same, because nuts are calorie-rich, but be careful with your portion, here is the key. Nuts provide us nutrients like vitamins E and B and magnesium.


Whole grains

Carbs are good for your health, because whole grains like quinoa, oats, brown rice, farro and barley have been linked to a lower rick of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity and certain types of cancer. They also contain beneficial vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, so don’t give up on whole grains.


Canned seafood

A pouch of salmon or tuna is packed with omega-3 fatty acids that help you protect your heart, elevate mood, boost brain power, keep joints mobile and maintain eyesight. Many health organizations recommend eating at least two servings of seafood or fish per week. Anchovies, tuna, sardines and salmon are all good choices, because they contain many nutrients and vitamins.


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