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6 Foods Diabetics Should Eat Daily

Wild salmon

It is packed with omega-3 fatty acids that may lower your risk of heart disease. Wild salmon is full of vitamin D and selenium for healthy nails, hair, nails and bones. Since fish and other protein foods don’t contain carbs, they won’t increase blood sugar levels. Adding salmon to a meal can help slow digestion of other foods eaten at that meal and help increase fullness.



This spice appears to increase insulin sensitivity, so it can reduce your blood sugar levels. The exact mechanism for how the sweet spice does this, as well as a recommended intake, is still being investigated, but most research points towards cinnamon’s ability to aid in blood glucose control on a daily and long-term basis and doesn’t appear to have any potential side effects other than adding a little flavor. Try sprinkling a little on foods you’re already eating, like oatmeal, yogurt, and nut butters.


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