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5 Health Benefits of Bananas You Should Take Advantage Of

Bananas are good for your gut

One medium banana has 3 grams of filling fiber (about 10 percent of your daily intake). Bananas also contain prebiotics, a type of fermentable fiber that helps the good bacteria in your gut (also known as probiotics) thrive. That’s a big win for your overall health, since research suggests these beneficial bugs may improve digestion, shorten the duration of your cold, and even aid in weight loss.


Bananas are good for your heart

Put another point in the potassium column because this important mineral is vital for your heart. Research shows that eating lots of potassium is associated with significantly lower blood pressure levels and a decreased risk of stroke. That’s because potassium helps flush excess heart-stressing sodium from your body through your urine, reducing the potential damage it may have on your ticker.


Bananas are rich in vitamin B6

While vitamin B6 doesn’t see the spotlight all that often, it’s an essential vitamin for a reason. Bananas contain nearly one third of your daily value of vitamin B6, which is important for brain development during pregnancy and enzyme reactions involved in metabolism. Most Americans don’t seem to fall short on their intake, but it doesn’t hurt to eat foods that are naturally rich in the nutrient.

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