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5 Superfoods That Will Help You Fight Against Cancer

No one can understand better than you the frustration you have when you know you have cancer and you must be very careful with all the things you do every day. When you are facing this serious illness, the importance of food is major. Your healthy depends on your treatment plan, says Erin Rossi, RD at the Cleveland Clinic. “Eating well has physical, mental, and emotional benefits,” she explains. “The foods you consume can give you the energy you need to get through treatment with as few side effects as possible while helping you maintain a sense of well-being and control.” Treat yourself with nutritious and delicious eats. Here are the five superfoods that will help you fight against cancer.


  1. Tomato paste or sauce

Tomato-based sauces have vitamin C and also it will help you to get off the unbearable mouth taste after you do your chemotherapy. If you have mouth sores, avoid tomato products, they aren’t good for you.


  1. Fatty fish

Tuna, sardines and salmon are sources of fatigue-fighting protein and they provide vitamin B12, which helps your body to make red blood cells; omega-3 fatty acids, which keeps you muscles strong and vitamin D, which helps your bones to stay healthy.


  1. Dark green leafy veggies

Spinach, broccoli, romaine lettuce, watercress, kale and other dark green leafy veggies offer calcium, folate, iron and magnesium. Calcium will strengthen your bones; iron and folate will help your body to produce more red blood cells and magnesium will give your body a boost.


  1. Ginger

Lammersfeld says that ginger really helps you fight a side effect of chemotherapy, nausea. Add some ginger to foods or tea and it may help you reduce nausea.


  1. Lean chicken and turkey


This is a better option than red meat, because red meat can increase inflammation and this can lead to heart disease. Lean chicken and turkey are easy to eat and digest.


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